Creative Problems Solved

Hi, I’m Robert Bailey a Seattle based Visual & Interaction Designer.

My Approach

Achieving any effective solution requires equal parts research, planning, and creativity.

For me having a systematic approach to arrive at solutions is a necessity; something must be both functional and visually engaging to attract users. In an over-saturated world that's always grabbing for attention, being just okay at either one of these is not good enough.


To start, determining the scope of the project is my first priority. Finding what's needed by asking questions and exploring ideas.

Define needs


To get a better understanding of what is required to achieve a successful project - or if a solution is required at all - its good to start with questions.

User Studies


By examining what users are looking for out of a potential product, i’m able to begin form concepts that will address their needs.

User Personas


Define potential users of the product and explore use cases in which a desired solution will have a meaningful impact, providing value.



Determining what established norms exist by seeking out competitors and other similar products helps give shape to what types of solutions to seek out for any given problem.


Using the information discovered, I begin exploring the possibilities by giving my ideas more depth & definition.



Using the information gathered, I work to get a bird’s-eye view of what is needed; creating connections throughout the design.

User Flows


These are used to get into the details of the design; establishing the twists and turns that users will encounter within any given feature.



By constructing low-fidelity wireframes we’re able to work through potential problems as they arrive, without spending time on detailing designs that wont be used.



The prototype is used to test the validity of the design; revealing unexpected issues that need to be worked through before proceeding.


With a solid plan & all the problems worked out, more definition is brought to the design through visual iteration and constraints.



Ideate on the visual style by creating an increasing number of outcomes, which are then used as the starting point in subsequent iterations.

Style Guide


To maintain a consistent design across the project, constraints are created to give projects a cohesive visual aesthetic.

High-Fidelity assets


When a final design is achieved, the components are assembled following the guidelines set in the style guide.



Creating these gives developers a diagram to quickly produce a finished project.

Creative Problems Solved

Hi, I’m Robert Bailey a Seattle based Visual & Interaction DesignerInteraction Designer.

Shop n' Cook

Tesla Mobile

Perpetual Health


My Approach

Achieving any effective solution requires equal parts research, planning, and creativity.

For me having a systematic approach to arrive at solutions is a necessity; something must be both functional and visually engaging to attract users. In an over-saturated world that's always grabbing for attention, being just okay at either one of these is not good enough.


To start, determining the scope of the project is my first priority. Finding what's needed by asking questions and exploring ideas.

Define needs


To get a better understanding of what is required to achieve a successful project - or if a solution is required at all - its good to start with questions.

User Studies


By examining what users are looking for out of a potential product, i’m able to begin form concepts that will address their needs.

User Personas


Define potential users of the product and explore use cases in which a desired solution will have a meaningful impact, providing value.



Determining what established norms exist by seeking out competitors and other similar products helps give shape to what types of solutions to seek out for any given problem.


Using the information discovered, I begin exploring the possibilities by giving my ideas more depth & definition.



Using the information gathered, I work to get a bird’s-eye view of what is needed; creating connections throughout the design.

User Flows


These are used to get into the details of the design; establishing the twists and turns that users will encounter within any given feature.



By constructing low-fidelity wireframes we’re able to work through potential problems as they arrive, without spending time on detailing designs that wont be used.



The prototype is used to test the validity of the design; revealing unexpected issues that need to be worked through before proceeding.


With a solid plan & all the problems worked out, more definition is brought to the design through visual iteration and constraints.



Ideate on the visual style by creating an increasing number of outcomes, which are then used as the starting point in subsequent iterations.

Style Guide


To maintain a consistent design across the project, constraints are created to give projects a cohesive visual aesthetic.

High-Fidelity assets


When a final design is achieved, the components are assembled following the guidelines set in the style guide.



Creating these gives developers a diagram to quickly produce a finished project.






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Got something in mind?

If you need something designed with a creative solution in mind, please reach out. Let’s see if we can’t help you out!

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